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FreeSEO Audit

Get More Visibility Through Versatile SEO Solutions

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Do you need an SEO Audit?

Search algorithms frequently change; therefore, it’s good to evaluate your SEO at least once a year. Our free SEO audit allows you to see where your deficits lie and how we can help fix them.

What is Included

Allow us to thoroughly analyze your existing website to evaluate your SEO strategy and establish a benchmark for creating successful campaigns. This is a manual SEO audit designed to see where you stand now and formulate a plan for the future.

Get A free audit

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Our SEO Auditors


SEO Audit FAQs

What is an SEO Audit?

An SEO audit is a complete evaluation of your current website, SEO practices, and how they dovetail into your marketing efforts. We take a deep dive into every aspect of your website’s online presence, including linking root domains, number, and quality of external backlinks, content, keywords, structural errors, and much more. The audit, when completed will provide you with an IT Health Check that gives an overview of these issues as well as recommendations for any corrections needed to resolve them. This assessment is then concluded in accordance with best practices from Google Webmasters Guidelines and other online SEO education courses available today as well as tomorrow.

Why SEO Audit is Important?

SEO audits are important as they identify issues that could hinder your online presence. Many people overlook things like accessibility, site content, page load speed, and mobile-friendliness. Without these aspects, your site will not rank well on search engines leading to a lower revenue stream for your company or the organization running the website. An finished SEO audit will provide reports which offer concrete solutions for rectifying some of the common problems found during an audit, thus saving you time and money.

How Hard is it to Make the Changes After the SEO Audit?

Most of the changes are very easy to make, and we can coach your webmaster to make updates or our expert staff can handle them for you.

What Types of Website Platforms are Supported?

We can perform an SEO audit on WordPress, Shopify, Webflow, Magento, or even a custom CMS website.

What is the Difference Between a Manual and an Audit Tool?

Various online audit tools can superficially analyze your website for some basic SEO issues. However, a manual SEO audit goes much further and looks at all the moving pieces, SEO strategic plans, practices, and other factors outside of your website that may affect your rankings. Our SEO audit comes with a complete report of our findings.

After the Audit, Can You Help Fix the Problems?

Yes! We are well equipped to execute the strategic plan that we craft as a result of your SEO audit. We can guide you every step of the way to ensure SEO success and better rankings. Just get in touch with us!

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