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PPC Case Study: Boosting Lead Acquisition for a Real Estate Brokerage Firm in the UAE

PPC Case Study: Boosting Lead Acquisition for a Real Estate Brokerage Firm in the UAE

About the Client

Our client is a proactive real estate brokerage firm located in the UAE, specializing in affordable residential properties. They cater to a diverse client base, particularly targeting expatriates from specific European countries looking to invest in the UAE’s real estate market. The firm’s main objective was to leverage digital advertising to enhance their lead generation significantly while maintaining lead quality.

Our Challenges

The firm faced several significant challenges in the pursuit of increasing their lead acquisition:

  • High Competition: The client was not the only firm selling the same apartments; there were dozens of other firms competing for the same audience, which heightened the intensity of the competition.
  • Budget Management: Operating within a stringent monthly budget of 1,000 USD, which is quite challenging given the competitiveness of digital ad spaces in real estate.
  • Targeting Specific Demographics: The need to effectively target potential clients from specific European countries, necessitating precise geo-targeting and ad customization.
  • Quality of Leads: Ensuring the generation of high-quality leads that could realistically convert into sales in a highly competitive market.

The Solution

To navigate these challenges, we crafted a tailored Google Ads campaign that focused on strategic elements critical to the client’s specific needs:

  • Geo-Targeting Enhancements: We honed in on European countries identified through market testing as having the highest potential for leads interested in affordable properties in the UAE.
  • Competitive Keyword Strategy: By focusing on specific keywords associated with affordable real estate investments in the UAE, we were able to improve the quality of lead generation.
  • Optimized Ad Copies: Developing ad copies that highlighted the unique value propositions of our client’s offerings, distinguishing them from the competition.
  • Smart Budget Allocation: We optimized the budget allocation to ensure maximum visibility during peak search times in the targeted European countries.

The Results

The strategic adjustments made to the Google Ads campaign delivered substantial improvements:

  • Lead Generation: The campaign achieved an average of one high-quality lead per day, a significant accomplishment given the budget and competitive constraints.
  • Lead Conversion: Approximately 50% of the generated leads progressed to telephone discussions regarding specific deals, indicating a robust conversion rate.
  • Market Positioning: The client was able to stand out in a crowded market, effectively reaching their target demographic within the designated budget.


This case study demonstrates the effectiveness of a carefully tailored PPC campaign in a highly competitive sector like real estate brokerage. Despite the fierce competition and limited budget, our strategic approach to Google Ads allowed the client to surpass their lead acquisition and quality targets. This success underscores the critical role of focused digital marketing strategies in achieving measurable results in challenging market conditions.

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