Head office

Armenia, 0026, Yerevan Garegin Nzhdeh, 46

We are open

Mon - Fri (10:00-22:00)



Client: Founded in 2007, Admissionado is a platform that aims to help students reach success.  They provide relevant consulting to people who want to apply for MBA and Colleges and support them to achieve their goals. The company has grown from the two founders to a big team and has helped over 35,000 applicants in just over a decade.

Category: SEO

Our Challenges

The website was facing a lot of challenges that were putting them in the dark. First of all, they lacked visibility online, and not many people found their site when looking for it on google. Additionally, there was an issue with keyword cannibalization because keywords weren’t ranking correctly, which caused organic traffic to be lost. They had also failed at SEO by having poorly optimized content and targeting poor keywords to reach more potential customers while neglecting some other important ones too!

The Solution – What We Did

After deep research, our team created a strategy and pointed the primary solutions for the project

  • Strategic Internal Linking to Avoid Keyword Cannibalization
  • Brand Keyword Research & Clustering
  • Landing Page Optimization
  • Service Page Categorization Based on Keyword Research
  • Blog Content Consolidation Based on Similar Keyword Impressions
  • Strategic Link Building to Fix the Keyword Cannibalization
  • Technical SEO Optimisations 
  • Asses Performance

The Results

Our team worked hard to make sure we achieved the goal we set at the beginning. The results were above our expectations as we had:

  • 81.25% Increase in Organic Sessions
  • 10.48% Increase in Organic New Sessions
  • 100.23% Increase in the Number of Organic New Users
  • Increase in Brand Awareness by 70%
  • Enriched Backlink Profile with SEO Optimized Anchor Texts
  • And More!
200 %

Increase in Online Visibility

200 %

Increase in Online Visibility

200 %

Increase in Online Visibility

200 %

Increase in Online Visibility

200 %

Increase in Online Visibility

200 %

Increase in Online Visibility

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