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Krisp Case Study

Krisp Case Study

About the Client

Krisp is an innovative software company that enhances digital communication through advanced sound technology. Specializing in Noise Cancellation, Voice Cancellation, and Echo Cancellation, Krisp offers solutions tailored to meet the needs of both individuals and businesses.

Our Challenges

In our SEO project for krisp.ai, we faced several significant challenges:

Keyword Cannibalization: Multiple key pages were competing against each other by targeting the same keywords, which diluted our SEO efforts and hindered the websites ability to rank effectively for relevant keywords for each specific page.

New Product Launch in High Industry Competition: The competitive nature of the industry made it tough to launch the new product of Krisp, making it hard to rank for relevant keywords and attract target audience through organic traffic. Many competitors had already established strong SEO presences, which posed a considerable challenge in climbing the search engine rankings for the new terms.

Underperformance in Relevant Searches: The website struggled to rank for highly relevant keywords, which limited our visibility to potential users actively searching for solutions we could provide.

The Solution

To tackle these issues, we implemented a strategic plan involving several targeted actions:

Optimization of Key Pages: We re-evaluated and optimized key pages for relevant keywords. This effort resolved the cannibalization issues by ensuring proper keyword mapping across the website. Each page was then able to rank for its specific target keywords, enhancing overall site performance.

Creation of New Landing Pages: We developed new landing pages designed to rank for more niche, molecular keywords. These pages helped capture additional segments of our target audience by addressing more specific user intents.

Strategic Content Creation: We created a strategic list of articles centred around topics relevant to our audience. This not only helped the website start ranking for new, pertinent keywords but also improved the rankings of existing positions. The selected content strategy established topical authority, which greatly benefited our SEO strategy.

Link Building to Increase Niche Authority: We implemented a targeted link-building campaign focusing on increasing the niche authority of the website. By acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable sources within our industry, we improved the authority and relevance of important pages for targeted keywords. This effort significantly boosted their visibility and ranking in search results.

The Results

The SEO strategies implemented for krisp.ai yielded impressive results that significantly enhanced the website’s visibility and user engagement:

Improved Rankings for Competitive Keywords: The website began ranking on the first page of Google for highly competitive “Google Meet” related terms withing the first 3 months. This achievement marked a substantial improvement in visibility against major competitors.


  • The Share of Voice reached from ~0 to 0.59% in 3 months.  
  • We’ve seen good progress with target keywords. The average keyword position  reaching 17.64 vs. ~0, showing improved visibility on search engines.
  • Our posts started to appear in featured snippets and Google Discover which significantly boosted the Click Thorough Rate (CTR)

Top Rankings for Articles: Our strategically created blog articles achieved top 3 positions on Google, significantly contributing to an increase in traffic. These articles became a key driver in attracting more visitors and establishing our authority in relevant topics.

Below are some of the wins of our content strategy. The website started ranking on 1-3 positions for some pretty relevant informational keywords.

After the creation of new blog articles we started ranking for a handful of relevant keywords on top 1-3 positions, which significantly increased overall topical authority and traffic share in the market.

‘’How to Transcribe Zoho Meetings” has also begun to rank for a featured snippet, showcasing its growing authority in this subject area.

Increase in Overall Website Traffic: There was a noticeable increase in overall website traffic, demonstrating the effectiveness of the comprehensive SEO strategy, from on-page optimizations to content marketing.

On the screenshot above, we can see that the traffic of the website had a great increase after January.

Strengthened Backlink Profile: The targeted link-building campaign not only enhanced the rankings of high-importance business pages but also strengthened the overall backlink profile. This improvement in backlinks from reputable sources further solidified our domain authority and search engine trust.

On the screenshot below you can see the increase in referring domains and high correlation between the amount of referring domains and organic traffic. 

Presence in SERP Snippets: We started appearing in the SERP Snippets sections for certain highly relevant keywords. This visibility not only boosted traffic but also positioned krisp.ai as a key information source, directly answering user queries through featured snippets.

Meeting Minutes vs. Notes: Capturing the Essence of Productive Meetings, one of the articles that was optimized during the main SEO work, has achieved 0 positions in the SERPs for the main keyword of the article “meeting minutes vs notes,” marking a significant improvement from its previous ranking of 10th, having moved up by 9 positions. 

Overall is now bringing a decent amount of traffic to the website by being shown in the most prominent section of SERP results.

These results collectively represent a significant stride forward in krisp.ai’s online presence, directly contributing to its business objectives by attracting more targeted traffic and increasing user engagement.


Our SEO work for Krisp.ai focused on boosting the online visibility of their new product in a competitive market. Despite the project’s specific scope, we achieved excellent results. By addressing issues like keyword competition within their site and creating targeted content and landing pages, we significantly improved Krisp.ai’s rankings on search engines. Our strategic link-building also strengthened their site’s credibility and visibility.

Notably, we managed to place Krisp.ai on the first page of Google for competitive terms related to “Google Meet” within three months. This success, along with increased overall traffic and higher visibility in search engine snippets, highlights the effectiveness of our focused SEO efforts. This project not only improved the visibility of Krisp.ai’s new product but also set a strong foundation for their ongoing digital growth.

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